The most effective way to do Inspection of Highways, roads, streets and avenues is currently using Drones, it represents greater reach in less time.

The fluid maintenance of the road corridors, the harmonious displacement of the inhabitants of the city and the timely detection of possible risks, are some of the goals that can be achieved thanks to the use of drones in the inspections of terrestrial communication routes.

This tool is already being used effectively in almost all major cities in Latin America and Caracas now begins to feel the benefits of UAV technology little by little. As evidenced in this inspection by Drone Pixel from the Pan-American Highway to O’Leary Square, you can see in detail the progress of the works and also do it quickly, safely and efficiently. Before it would have been impossible to appreciate so many important elements of the work done and also do it with a high definition image, a journey that is not only effective in the visual, but also obtain data and important variables with which our specialists perform studies that are contributed to our clients for the most effective decision making

To appreciate the advances in the matter of re-paving, maintenance of curbs, lighting and the condition of the gutters and culverts is now done more efficiently thanks to the Inspection of Highways and Avenues using Drones. The use of this data can be used by engineers, architects, including civil engineering of the municipalities to develop useful 3D digital models to plan urban growth, simulate catastrophes or simply to limit measures to scale.

The aerial visual allows to make correct decisions to implement infrastructure solutions such as the construction of new road distributors, to anticipate the threats and vulnerabilities of the land routes such as the collapse of bridges or high. More of the multiple applications of this wonderful technology will be developed by Drone Pixel in the future.