Drones y SIG en la Industria Petrolera

In a world driven by technological innovation, the oil industry is undergoing…

Torre de telecomunicaciones

Drone inspection of telecom towers

On November 25, 2021, the first online event in Venezuela dedicated to the use…

Inspeccion con drone

Drone Inspection

Drones are becoming an increasingly important tool for industrial inspections…

womens day

Women who broke the air

Since 1975 the United Nations formalized the celebration of International…

Como evitar 5 grandes errores en la construcción con el uso de drones

5 Biggest Construction Mistakes to Avoid with Drones

Whether you’re running a small construction job or a multi-million dollar…

reduce riesgo laboral con drone

Reduce human risks, costs and time with Drones

In the Beginnings, UAV or Drone technology was used as equipment for aerial…

Latin American Claims

Miami Latin American Claims (Re) Insurance Forum 2019

In an effort for show our work and keep spreading the voice on civil…

Inspección de Autopistas y Avenidas haciendo uso de Drones

  La manera mas efectiva de hacer Inspección de Autopistas, carreteras,…